“I have come to understand that life is too complex and much too short to let amateurs direct the story. I would rather let the Master Storyteller do the writing.”
~ Steve Saint ~
End of the Spear, p. 60

 While reading End of the Spear, the above quote jumped out at me. I know in my head that I am an amateur at directing the story of my life while God is truly the Master Storyteller, but all too often I catch myself thinking that He has no idea what He is doing in my life! He is writing a little detail, or perhaps a major detail, that just shouldn’t be in my life story. That detail is totally messing up the plot of my life! Or at least…that is how I feel.

I need reminders that God is truly sovereign and He is completely in charge of my life. If I try to take the pen for my life story, I will come up with the most twisted plot imaginable. God alone knows all the details, big and little, needed to make my life a beautiful story that will be a witness for Him. The quote from End of the Spear served as such a reminder.

~ Melinda ~